Empowering Youth through Social Emotional Learning, Resource Support, and Justice Engagement

By: MJ Jaramillo, Youth Engagement Specialist

“You have me over here smiling and starting to take deep breaths, you made my day, thank you.” - Student

As I sit here reflecting on my first full year as Rock to the Future’s full-time Youth Engagement Specialist, I’m in awe of the impact we’ve made together. My name is MJ, and it’s been an honor to work within the communities we serve, amplifying the message, “Your Voice Matters.” Being full-time has allowed us to extend vital support and services within our MusiCore program and through our MusiCommunity and Justice program, driving youth success and development across the board.

Fostering Safe Spaces, Emotional Wellbeing, and Personalized Support for Youth

I enjoy bringing colorful additions to our spaces—fluffy mascots, soft slippers, and dedicated “chill zones” designed for taking breaks and checking in with each other. These elements help foster environments where “silly” is accepted and encouraged. We also use affirmation cards to help youth tap into their inner strengths, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth in confidence, whether on stage or in small group connections.

We create a space with a judgment-free zone and a 'come as you are' mentality, and the students have truly embraced this approach. I still remember the day I arrived on site and nearly intervened when a student was crying. Instead, I took a deep breath and witnessed a remarkable moment: the other youth warmly inviting their friend to embrace and express their sadness. They said, “It’s okay to cry; you don’t want to keep those emotions bottled up inside.” In a world where we often struggle to show our true selves, these young people are making groundbreaking changes by supporting one another and validating each other’s feelings

My role as a full-time Youth Engagement Specialist allows me to provide dedicated individual check-ins with each student. During these check-ins, we discuss how they are doing within the following areas: 

  • Physical health -exploring topics such as sleep hygiene and daily nutrition
  • Mental or emotional well-being - including communication on coping skills to use at the program, as well as home strategies or options in the community,
  •  Education -inquiring on whether a student feels successful in their school classes or current schedule 
  • Allowing dedicated time to sit with our youth and communicate about how they are doing and any challenges they might face. 

For students experiencing resource insecurity, I work closely with our partners to connect them and their families with additional support. And continue expanding our partnerships to support those we serve and the needs we've identified over time **You can check out our resource page, which includes after-hour safe spaces, health and wellness, mental and physical wellbeing, and more.

We also conduct self-reported Social Emotional Learning (SEL) wellbeing assessments at the beginning and end of the year. I'm proud to share that our students reported significant improvements in key SEL areas, such as confidence, understanding and managing emotions, making responsible decisions, and building and maintaining relationships. These results underscore our programs' vital role in fostering positive youth development and the importance of the environments we create to support their growth.

Supporting Justice for Youth

This year, we’ve deepened our involvement with justice-impacted youth, providing them with much-needed support and opportunities for personal growth.

  • Juvenile Justice Services Center (JJSC): We are connecting with detained youth and their families to support their release process, and inviting them into our community spaces has been both humbling and eye-opening. One of the most poignant moments of this year came when a recently released youth from JJSC reached out to invite me to her performance. Despite facing numerous obstacles, her determination to perform was inspiring. I was there to cheer her on, capturing the joy and resilience she displayed on stage. Her story is a testament to the importance of showing up for our youth and supporting them through every challenge. Another eye-opening moment was during the parent-teacher conferences and the resource fair at JJSC. Witnessing the youth excited to share the music they created and the lessons they learned through our program filled the room with joy, accomplishment, and a renewed sense of hope. It was a powerful reminder of the profound impact we have on youth, especially in spaces that are often overlooked.
  • Diversion Program: The District Attorney’s Office reached out to us to become one of their diversion partners this year. Our work with the Diversion Program has been crucial in offering a supportive community to youth who have faced legal challenges and the opportunity to get their records expunged by participating in our program. One parent from the program shared, “There is no hesitation in choosing Rock to the Future for my daughter. MJ has been here throughout this tough process, continuing to show care for our family.” This feedback reaffirms the importance of being present and engaged, especially during difficult times.
Collaborating with Community Partners and Celebrating Youth Success

Throughout the year, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with amazing community partners celebrating the successes of our youth, whether through performances or other achievements. Here are some highlights:

  • Participated in the NOMO Foundation Mental Health Fair to raise awareness for youth mental health and community care.
  • Organized the Attitude of Gratitude Giveaway, where youth selected clothing items to share with others, fostering a spirit of generosity and community.
    • A youth excitedly shared, “I can’t wait to give this to my mom, she’s going to love it.”
    • Another proudly declared, “I look beautiful,” after choosing their new outfit.
  • This year, we brought together youth from different parts of the city for our largest event, the Music for All Ball at World Cafe Live. The significance of this gathering extends beyond just a performance; it fosters connection, community, and collaboration among teens from diverse backgrounds. This unity is crucial in reducing intercommunity violence by promoting understanding and shared experiences. During the event, the youth-led an inspiring affirmation music experience, engaging the audience in affirmations like "I am Light, I am Love, I am Born to Shine," reinforcing their self-worth and collective power.
  • Our programs welcomed students who hadn’t initially identified music as their primary interest. The impact of this program goes far beyond just learning music—it helps students reduce anxiety, build community, and gain confidence, creating a safe and supportive environment. The transformation we witnessed as these new students embraced music and connected with other students was a powerful reminder of how inclusion and creativity can foster personal growth and a sense of belonging.

Philadelphia has experienced many challenges, and our youth are deeply affected. Despite the difficulties, I am proud and humbled to serve our students and be part of this greater mission to support bright pathways for youth. We use music as a bridge while showing up for them in critical ways that foster their development. They deserve the chance to learn music, express themselves through art, have trusted mentors, and access tools for emotional well-being. They deserve safety, community, support during resource insecurity, second chances, and advocacy for their justice. The impact of our work strikes chords of joy and creates pathways for their success. Join us in driving this impact and making a difference for Philly youth through the magic of music.