Rock to the Future Accepting New Students!

Rock to the Future will be accepting new students for our free afterschool program starting September 2012!!

After two successful years, Rock to the Future will again be expanding capacity for the 2012-2013 program year! Students at Rock to the Future have fun rockin’ out and increase grades while socializing with peers in a safe, positive environment. The program is FREE for participants (a $50 deposit is requested and returned upon program completion).

Students at Rock to the Future get to learn guitar, bass guitar, drums, or keyboard, form bands, write original music, and perform throughout the year at various community events and venues. Students also receive daily homework help to improve their grades. The program has shown a significant positive impact on student academic performance.

The only requirements to apply are students must be ages 9-14 by September 1st, 2012, must reside in Philadelphia, and must be lower-income and/or at-risk. Rock to the Future is located at 2139 E Cumberland Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19125 and students attend Monday-Friday from directly after school until 6pm. To apply please visit the APPLY tab on our website or email for more information. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE JULY 31st!

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