Rocking out with our virtual students!

Thanks to all who joined us to celebrate Rock to the Future students’ hard work at the Year End Showcase! Students in our virtual classes performed original music and their favorite cover songs from their own home. They also shared the final projects from the Music and Art, Lyrics, and Music Influencers classes. Check out the full video!

This school year was tough! All of us on Rock to the Future's team are so happy to have been part of our students' school year, and we're proud of what you all accomplished under intense pressure and uncertainty. We've gotten great feedback from families and students, so we know how important Rock to the Future's free music classes have been to Philly students. Music is a valuable tool to help us express ourselves and cope with change. It's been so powerful to see our students make new friends, grow as musicians and students, and learn new skills. Thank you for sharing your time and talent with us this school year -

You Rock!